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Change wheels according to cross X pattern

Winter time is close and you all car drivers need to think about changing summer tires. Good winter tires are necessity for winter. We recommend leaving montage of tire to the expert with relevant knowledge, wisdom and equipment. Mechanic will also take care off your cars optical install. Wheels will flow really straight.

Right tire install is significant for monotonous tire attrition and particularly wheeling your car. Centering your tires prevent their untimely attrition.
Moving tires from rear to front wheels is also recommended. This alternation is called rotation and affirms their untimely attrition.

Wheels should be changed according cross X pattern. Tires on the rear axis should be moved to the front gearing axis. Rear left tire should be moved to the right front wheel and rear right tire should be moved to the left front wheel. Remain two front tires should be moved to the rear, but we don't cross them like rare tires. We leave them on the same side as they were installed on front axis (left on the left side and right on the right side).

Exception is needed only with tires that have rain channeled layer. Those tires shouldn't be crossed; we just moved them from rare to front and vice versa.

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